Logger's Lift

Logger's Lift

from $15.25

Rich, aromatic & hearty

Larson was one of the toughest men I ever knew. His sawmill, 30 miles from the nearest small town, stood in a wide valley at the foot of the Continental Divide. During the short summer it was beautiful, but come winter the snow piled up and a typical morning was -15. Larson himself never stopped working, day or night, except to eat, sleep, or drink coffee. He ignored the winter weather, and if you worked there, you did too.

Then came a day when the temperature fell and the wind roared off the Divide. About midday, Larson surprised us. "Men," he said, "let's have some coffee." As we stood by the wood stove, silent and frozen, the smell of percolating coffee brought us back to life.

The Logger's Lift blend recreates that rich, smoky flavor of Larson's coffee, as I remember it. May it warm you as well.

Aromatic Central American and smoky Indonesian coffees combined for a full-bodied hearty brew. Complex and heavy bodied, richly aromatic with a long dark finish.

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