Costa Rica CoopeDota Tarrazu

Costa Rica CoopeDota Tarrazu

from $15.25

A pleasant, mild coffee with a delicate sweet flavor and fragrance.

CoopeDota, the world’s first certified carbon-neutral coffee exporter, is much more than just a coffee operation with a great certification. Recently retired Director Roberto Mata built up an amazing industry integrating social services and environmental protections while producing some of the highest quality coffee available in Costa Rica.

CoopeDota provides members with access to wet and dry milling services, yet the outreach extends far beyond processing: coffee by-products are used to fuel the mechanical drying guardiolas and water use during processing is reduced by using eco-pulpers. The cooperative manages trash pickup in the city of Santa Maria de Dota, and has been able to repurpose waste into renewable forms of energy. CoopeDota’s farms stretch deep into the Tarrazu region and while they produce a significant volume, they also are deeply invested in highlighting exceptional microlots, which we occasionally feature in the limited release section of our store. 


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